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We have all been in a supermarket in front of that big fridge filled with bottles with all kinds of water in them. So you start reading and you finally get down to your two choices. Distilled Water vs Spring Water, but you can’t decide. Well, here are some things we think you should know before choosing one of them.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is the purest form of water because it has the smallest amount of molecules of contaminants and minerals compared to the other types of liquids. Even though distilled water is used for household needs such as steam cleaning or ironing clothes, there are other types that are often consumed as drinking water.

Distilled water is made by boiling water. Usually from multiple sources such as streams. The minerals and most contaminants and chemicals are left behind. Those that have a higher boiling point than water are the ones left behind. Distillation is most effective in separating heavy metals and minerals. It is useful for killing bacteria and microorganisms like fungi and viruses. But some chemicals like chlorine and benzene and vaporized and remain distilled water unless they are filtered out with charcoal.

The distilled water tastes empty because of the absence of minerals and vitamins. This allows the water to absorb some of the aromas and flavor of the compartment it is stored in. This is why if stored in plastic for long periods, it might absorb the smell and taste.

Spring Water 

Distilled Water VS Spring: Source of spring water Water

Springwater is water that is drained straight from naturally occurring springs. Their sources are usually uncontaminated. Springwater is typically processed and filtered to remove any kind of debris that is unfit for drinking and even is put through high temperatures just so some of the bacteria and other microbes get killed. 

But the best part about spring water is that most of the miner content, like calcium and magnesium, is left in the water. 

This is why spring water tastes so fresh and crisper in comparison to most types of water to most people. Springwater is also famous for leaving a different feeling in the mouth. It might be because of the foundation of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium in some of the water tested.

Bottled Water

Distilled Water VS Spring Water: Bottled Water

Bottled water is a variant of every type of drinking water such as tap water, spring water, filtered water, distilled water, and even ozonated water infused with oxygen. Some brands are highly filtered and purified. Some even contain additional minerals and some even electrolytes.

Pros Of Distilled Water

Distilled water could be better for you than tap water, in reference to the country that you live in. If the town water is tainted with harmful chemicals or pesticides, you are better off drinking distilled water in that region.

Pros of Spring Water

Springwater could be better than tap water in any country you go to. It might be different from country to country. But that means that it has its own taste and smell. Some might agree with you some might not but in the end, the combination of minerals will always keep you motivated to buy more.

Distilled Water Usage

Distilled water is not going to affect your health in any way. Just because you consume pure water doesn’t make you any healthier. But it won’t have any negative effects on you either. If you don’t mind its blunt taste and that you don’t get enough minerals, you can drink as much distilled water as you like.

As we mentioned before other uses for distilled water around the house are to pour it into your iron for ironing the clothes or for your car’s cooling system to prevent from having a mineral buildup. Or, you can also water your plants or fill your aquarium with this water.

Distilled Water VS Spring Water: Difference

The key difference between distilled water and spring water is the taste. On one hand, you have the distilled water which tastes blunt and usually adapts the taste and smell of its container. 

For example, if it is stored in a plastic bottle its taste might be a little like plastic, or if stored in a glass, the taste might be a bit stale and just like glass. And on the other hand, you have the spring water with its wonderful taste and smell of vitamins and minerals. 

Because of these factors, if you are looking for tastier and more refreshing water I might suggest spring water. But, if you are looking to buy water that is purified and free of all vitamins and minerals, then distilled water is your choice. In the process of making it all there, extra elements are lost and you are left with your purified water.

Pros and Cons

Distilled water is the purest form of water because it’s stripped from all kinds of contaminants, including metals, bacteria, pesticides, etc. Because it has nothing harmful in it, it can be used for a variety of different things:

  • Medical procedures and cleaning medical tools

Distilled water is used for cleaning medical equipment to avoid infections in patients. Also, it’s used in hospitals for kidney dialysis.

  • Cosmetics

When producing cosmetics, if it is needed, they always use distilled water.

  • Home appliances

It’s often used in irons that run on water and also air humidifiers because this water contains only hydrogen and oxygen and it doesn’t leave any mineral residue.

  • Cars

Distilled water is the number one choice when it comes to cars. Again, because of its lack of minerals, there is no risk of any metal car parts corroding during the process.

The downside of distilled water is that it’s not that good for drinking for a long period of time because it doesn’t contain the minerals we need for proper functioning, like calcium and magnesium. On the other hand, spring water has a far superior taste to distilled one. It’s rich in minerals and very healthy. 

However, because it has all those minerals, it’s not a good choice for appliances. Minerals can leave stains or cause them to stop working. Another disadvantage when it comes to spring water is that you can never know if it’s 100% clean. It can always contain some harmful toxins which can be dangerous for ingesting.

Which one should you choose?

This isn’t a ‘this or that thing. The perfect combination would be to use both if you can. We already covered that distilled water is better for appliances and other everyday activities around the house, while spring is more healthy for consumption 

If you are willing, you can always produce your own distilled water. Here’s how:

  1. Fill a pot halfway.
  2. Tie a cup inside of the lid. It must be higher than the level of water so it doesn’t have contact.
  3. Boil the water.
  4. When the steam comes up, turn down the heat so the steam returns into a liquid state again. It will then drip right into the cup.

Also, if you want to drink clean water but don’t have the time to do it yourself, you can always purchase a water filterWhen it comes to spring water, you should always choose bottled spring water that was tested and safe for drinking. Even if you live in an area with a spring water source, never use it until it has been cleared by professionals.

Distilled Water VS Spring Water: Conclusion

Your accessibility to drinking water is vital to your health and the choice is yours to make.

Even though most sources of public drinking water are regulated and made safe to drink, many people prefer to drink water that is purified with evaporation.

The purified water is safe and may reduce exposure to many contaminants like bacteria and viruses that can be found in tap water and even sometimes in spring water.

If you’re looking for a long-term solution to purify water, check out our guide on the best whole house water filters.