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If you’ve never heard of the epic smart shield faucet, you’re still expecting good water from your municipal water supply system.
Even though it’s hard on minerals, facilities even use chemicals to purify them from harmful microorganisms. Moreover, aging pipelines add up to its harmfulness.
This is why you should try the Epic Smart Shield.
It will transform your tap water from technical to excellent-quality drinking water. After using this filtration system, you won’t help notice the difference in taste or smell.
About Epic Smart Shield
Resource shortage and the need for self-reliance are always a priority.
They become even more important in times of doubt.
We won’t even discuss the issue that supply chains remain unreliable.
Yet, self-reliant people need innovative manufacturers to stand alone. Epic Water Filter helps free-minded people to remain independent in these uncertain times.
The ability to purify water for food prep is on the more tactical end of this product.
There won’t be a necessity to boil the water which is a great time saver.
According to all the testing we have done, the Epic Smart Shield removes almost all water contaminants. Moreover, we’ve made some experiments with cleaning stream water as well. Once again, these filters proved to be quite reliable even in clearing away bacteria.
The excellence of these products is by all NSF/ANSI testing standards.
Some places in the States have some pretty poisonous substances in the water. It may even contain lead which we all know how harmful it is.
Yet, Epic Smart Shield has removed it with ease.
There is a smart point in all the magic that the Epic Smart Shield brings. Its subtle mechanism leaves the essential minerals that your organism needs to function.
Yet, it’s efficiency is obvious as it removes more than seventy harmful substances.
How Do The Filters Work?
You will have only freshwater as the filter works like a magnet that draws in and traps contaminants that pass through the straw.
You will get the most thorough contaminant reduction possible.
Activated carbon and a unique formulation of ion-exchange materials are the secret weapons of this filter. The complete materials consisting of the filter are US products.
Activated Coconut Carbon
The weapon removing organic and pollutant matter from water is the absorbent carbon derived from coconut shells.
Absorbent carbon media traps and neutralizes pollutants in the water that passes through the filters.
Among the toxic matter are some disinfectant solvents like chlorine. They are the cause of poor odor and taste of the water.
Ion-Exchange Media
It is effective in the removal of metals, pharmaceuticals, agricultural and industrial pollutants. It is a merge of crafty media attached in strong bonds.
The unique formula of ion-exchange materials and activated carbon make crisp water out of running water.
This is due to chelation, adsorption, absorption, and many other complex processes of cleaning.
What Can Epic Smart Shield Do?
Even when a huge amount of water has passed through it to get purified, this water filtration system will show excellent performance.
It is something you can not compare with other brands that filtrate similar amounts of water.
Most of them will have a significant drop.
A Multi-Stage Filter System
A three-stage process to filter the water is what the Epic Smart Shield uses to do its magic.
On the one hand, you shouldn’t worry that the filtration system won’t filter some dangerous substances.
Yet, don’t think essential minerals will go away as collateral damage.
Some of the filters are single-phase charcoal mechanisms.
This is what many customers spot when they are looking for filtration systems.
What you have here is a more reliable one which will do its work and give you what you want.
Yet, it is quite difficult to find a more sophisticated water filtration system that won’t cost a heck of money. The key issue is that solid filtration systems must keep the essential substances in the water. Our organism uses many of them to carry out some essential functions and we need to consume them.
Epic Water Faucet Filter Review
Natural Water Filter
Yet another thing making the Epic Smart Shield unique is its mechanism.
While most under sink filters use coal-based media, this is not the case here.
Ground-up organic coconut shells make it work as an ecological and sustainable tool.
Retained Essential Minerals
Plenty of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are present in water.
This filter has a special design to keep them in your running water so you can benefit them. Your kids and pets will have more healthy and delicious water to drink.
The installation process of an under-sink water filter goes by the following steps. You should first turn your cold water supply off.
It should be only the cold water that the filter cleans. Then put the filter under your sink. To mount the bracket/head you should leave some room. Below the filter body, you will need two or more inches of space to remove the cartridge of the filter.
You should detach the shut-off valve and the cold water supply.
Leave the faucet connection untouched. Leave the filter’s outlet with the cold water supply.
To mount the head bracket at the desired level, use a one-eight drill to screw support holes. Divide the cold water feed line from the cut-off valve to the sink.
To direct water into the water filter, screw the provided plastic manifold into the cut-off valve. You should set the water pipeline into a plastic manifold from the faucet.
Afterward, move the water lines into the manifold and adequate filter head openings.
You should set the feeder lines in the bracket head and you have finished the setup.
Before you turn the water on, turn the filter cartridge into the bracket. You must let it flow for a while until it becomes clear.
You can then enjoy the water which is free from contaminants.
By turning the filter cartridge more, make sure that no water is leaking.
Effective Filtration
You will have fifteen times greater capability than gravity-based water pitchers. It is your ideal filtration system that will remove almost all the heavy metals and more than seventy water contaminants. We can put it in the class of leading water pitchers.
Triple Certified
According to the producer, the Epic Smart Shield Faucet has the certificate of three different NSF/ANSI standards.
Any kind of traces of chlorine, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, and all heavy metals won’t be in your filtered water.
- UNDER THE SINK CATEGORY: when this category of sinks comes into question, Epic Smart Shield Faucet sets the standard. It’s a home water filter with the perfect fitting.
- INSTALLABLE BY ANYONE: since it includes a dedicated faucet, you won’t need a plumber. The setup videos are available online. You may link it straight to your kitchen sink’s cold water line and you won’t waste much time. To make it an ultimate under counter water filter you only need an adjustable wrench and a screwdriver are all you need.
- RUNNING WATER FILTER – to remove the tiniest molecules, the solid carbon water filter makes thorough depth absorption. With active coconut carbon surfaces that absorb contaminants, it removes substances in the water. Among them are herbicides, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, heavy metals, and cysts that pass through.
- TWO INCHES THICK DEPTH FILTRATION which includes clearing away sedimented waste products. The activated coconut carbon blocks filter many waste products that try to pass.
- UNDER SINK WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM: it belongs to high-ended under sink water clearing mechanisms. With its capacity to clear away cysts and bacteria, it is the ideal kitchen sink filter.
- ANTIBACTERIAL WATER CLEARANCE SYSTEM – the antibacterial effect is different from carbon-based filters. This makes it resistant to mold or bacterial growth which is an excellent solution for your running water. Your family will have clean drinking water thanks to this filtration system.
- KITCHEN SINK SPECIALIZED FAUCET WATER FILTER: it is the ultimate faucet filter for your kitchen sink. Epic Smart Shield brings you the ultimate water purification mechanism. You can’t be sure what you are doing with a cheap sink water filter faucet. This is one of the best sink water filters for the kitchen according to many leading reviews.
- EMBEDDED WATER FILTER: your house will get a perfect inline water filter. You can also configure it to function as an embedded water filter for your refrigerator. It holds three NSF/ANSI certificates. It is the only one holding these credentials among many other products of its class.
- Its setup is quite simple. To get the whole installation you need to wrench it up
- It will wash away a big part of the contaminants with high efficiency
- Full refund guarantees within ninety days
- To improve the water taste and quality it retains essential healthy minerals
- It filters unmineralized water
- After a few years of use, you will notice the worsening water taste
As it is evident from many previous reviews, this filtration system brings nothing less than excellent service to its users.
The design promotes convenience and precision which is one of its key benefits. It has a certificate made according to the standards of US plumbing.
One more crucial benefit is the simplicity of uptake.
The Epic Smart Shield filter will keep your water crystal clear although the filters won’t last for years as you would expect. You’ll love what you drink for many years after buying it.
It is very interesting that many contaminants from your water are not cleared away.
This may seem like a disadvantage but it isn’t.
Many minerals essential for your body’s health and nourish will remain in the water.
Among them are potassium, magnesium, and calcium minerals.
There will be no need to call in a plumber to have the under sink filter installed under your kitchen after purchasing it. It is not a thing you should worry about. Its installation is plain and fast and will fit your existing faucet very well.
What may be the problem with using tap water?
Although times are changing fast most of us still like drinking tap water because it’s quick and ecological.
Yet, some unwanted chemicals like chlorine or fluoride can also be present inside of it and cause many bad consequences.
We know about the nature of some of them while others remain a mystery. Others are more harmful while some of them are benign.
Yet, there is only one thing that keeps those substances together – they shouldn’t be in your drinking water.
We may think in an old-fashioned manner but water has to be pure without those added chemicals.
Will the pH change?
It is sure that the PH level of your water will change but not so much.
Yet, the design of the filters doesn’t intend to change the PH levels in the water.
The interaction depends on the quality of the water coming into your home. All in all, it is sure you will notice a slight change.
What is fluoride water and does it bring harm?
There is a practice of preventing tooth decay by adding the fluoride chemical into running water.
Public healthcare officers believed it would help on a large scale if it’s drinkable.
In the United States, more than two-thirds of the total water supply has added industrial fluoride. This is more than the rest of the world combined which is unbelievable.
Measures of water fluoridation are not practiced in Japan and most of Western Europe. It is the same in the rest of the developed nations.
Fluoridating water supplies became a very outdated and unnecessary measure.
Scientists today are advising us to use different methods of protecting our health and drinking water.
Final Thoughts
All in all, when it comes to under sink faucet filters Epic Water Shield may be one of the best.
The key features are its ability to filter but also keep the essential substances for human functioning. Many testings and reviews promise a solid experience.
Trying it out may give you the wanted result and that’s why you shouldn’t hesitate.
If you’re looking to buy a water filter faucet, check our guide on the best water filter faucet here. We’ve done an extensive research to find the best faucet so that you don’t have to.
If you’re looking for more products that have similar features, check out our massive guide on the best faucet water filters.

Austin is the lead water consultant and blogger for Water Filter Data. With 10 years of experience in the water quality industry, Austin can instantly pinpoint the cure and the cause for the water pollutant.