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Drinking water comes in several types and flavors. However, there are so many choices that many people have no idea where to start. Besides, every water dispensing company swears by the vast benefits of their products.

It is easy to get confused with all the fuss going on about different types of water. If you find yourself wondering which water is best then this guide is for you. In this guide we look at the different types of water, and the benefits and risks involved in each.

What are the Different Types of Water?

Here is a breakdown of each type and what you should know.

Tap Water

Tap water, or municipal water,’ is water that is freely available at home from your kitchen faucet. The water is clean and ready to drink. Many people view tap water as unsafe for drinking since it is from the tap.

Tap water has many uses around the home such as cooking, cleaning, and toilet flushing. Tap water is readily available in most human habitations except in so-called third world countries.

What is the Best Water to Drink

Municipal councils supply water and control it to ensure that the water is clean from contaminants like lead. However, that does not mean that the water is pure. Other impurities are debatably harmful to human beings.

Tap water goes through a series of treatment processes that involve the use of chemicals. Since it comes from sources like rivers it has other impurities like plastic, pesticide residue, and metals.

Additionally, EPA standards allow certain levels of contaminants. Your tap water has small specific amounts of contaminants like asbestos and nitrates. It is also protocol to treat water with chlorine and fluoride even though some people prefer not to have it in their drinking water.

The CDC has an FAQ with more information about tap water to help you out.


While tap water is readily available, there are risks to drinking it. For instance, research conducted in 50 US states shows that tap water in most homes has several contaminants. There could be around 500 different contaminants in any sample of water.

Drinking Water

Drinking water is water that is portable and ready to drink. Drinking water should be safe and free from impurities to avert illnesses like Typhoid and diarrhea. Drinking water in public water supplies is up to the recommended health standards.

People around the world still do not have safe water for drinking. In most developed countries water is a personal preference, but in these communities they depend on any water they can get.

People in areas where there is a natural source of water enjoy healthier water from safer sources. Some communities living near glacier spring water enjoy clean water full of minerals. Regular tap water can be a luxury for some, but it is essential for every home.

Bottled Water

Water purifying companies have come up with all kinds of drinking water in bottles. Bottled water brands create hype for their products. There are bubbly buzzwords that win over our hearts. We find ourselves buying more of these brands every day.

Plastic water bottles propel environmental pollution. Players in the water bottling industry are still struggling to ensure that the bottles do not end up in landfills. People are now more aware of environmentally friendly options when buying even drinking water.

Harvard published a list of reasons to avoid bottled water recently.

Spring Water

There are companies that package clean spring water in bottles for sale. The water comes from natural springs. Additionally, the water contains a blend of natural minerals which are great for your health.

Reputable brands have gone as far as buying land around freshwater springs. They invest in conservation to ensure that the springs continue to give fresh, natural water for years to come. One of the brands, Mountain Valley Spring Water, bottles up their water in reusable glass bottles.

Mineral Water

There are protected underground sources that give mineral water. Mineral water carries crucial elements that are useful to the human body. The minerals are in distinct amounts and proportions.

Bottling companies producing mineral water use water rich in minerals that we rarely find in the food we eat. Infused mineral water is different in that the added minerals are in specific quantities.

Sparkling Mineral Water

Sparkling mineral water is bubbly, and it gets the bubbly nature from natural gases. Carbon dioxide is responsible for the fizzle in this water. It has a distinct mineral taste to go with a fancy look.

Sparkling water has health benefits such as alleviating constipation and dyspepsia. However, carbon infused water with added sugar exposes users to tooth decay after long use. It may also cause bloating.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water has an increased number of electrolytes. The water has a pH level between 8 and 9.5 – a high pH increases the viscosity which allows the water to transport oxygen and blood throughout the body.

People ailing from high blood pressure, high sugar levels, and cholesterol could benefit from drinking this water regularly.

Alkaline water is also rich in antioxidants which work against disease-causing inflammation in the body.

Filtered Water

Filtered water undergoes the process of filtration to remove impurities. Filtered water can be fresh from the environment or even made through human processes.

Naturally occurring filtered water goes through a porous rock which removes the impurities and collects essential minerals in the environment. The result is a fresh bottle with added mineral levels, a higher pH, and a higher oxygen level.

At-home water filters also make filtered water. The filters get rid of impurities and retain the minerals found in the water. A good water filter can save you money, and it can make your kitchen tap water safe to drink.


Most bottled water comes in plastic bottles. Plastic is not safe for human use. It is also notable that the bottles pollute the environment.

Research shows that most bottled water companies package tap water rather than sell what they advertise. Tap water is not harmful, but it has impurities that may cause harm after prolonged use. It is also a great rip-off to buy water that you can fetch from your kitchen tap.

Surface Water

Surface water refers to the water found naturally on the earth’s surface. It can be from sources like lakes, oceans, seas, rivers, streams, and wetlands. It accounts for 78% of the water we consume. Therefore, it is vital to protect surface water from pollution.

Surface water can sometimes carry pollutants due to human activity. Most surface water is also salty and hence not safe for consumption. Water from some lakes, seas and oceans is unsafe for drinking.

Underground Water

Underground water is water found beneath the earth’s surface. Well water is underground water. However, it is different from artesian water. Artesian water is water from an underground reservoir beneath the surface.

An underground aquifer gives fresh water without the need for a pump. Aquifers or springs offer more quality drinking water than wells due to their nature.

What is Distilled Water?

Distillation is one of the effective ways to clean water of any impurities. Nature has a way of distilling water through the chronological cycle.

Distillation involves heating water until it evaporates and turns into vapor. The vapor then cools and turns into a liquid once more, giving back clean water. Most contaminants cannot survive the heating process.

Contaminant distillers use the process to eliminate contaminants in well water. The distillers give off ultra-clean drinking water. It can be hard to drink for most people.

There are no minerals in distilled water as most of it does not make it past the heating chamber. The lack of minerals makes it flat which causes many people to have no desire to drink it.

Risk factors

There are minimal risks to drinking distilled water. The only downside is the lack of taste that makes it unappealing for most people.

You should avoid storing distilled water for a long time. When in storage, distilled water will pull minerals from surroundings like the storage container. Water stored in plastic containers will absorb plastic compounds which are harmful to your health.

If you would like to explore the differences between distilled and purified water check out our discussion.

What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water contains higher levels of induced hydrogen. It is different from plain water in that it has a high level of hydrogen. Hydrogen has many health benefits.

  • Hydrogen boosts digestion
  • Hydrogen is a good detoxifier and reduces inflammation
  • It enhances cell repair
  • It Strengthens the immune system

Water filters with an ionizer system can help you get more hydrogen into your drinking water. The filtration system will help remove harmful contaminants while it brings you safe drinking water.


There are no known health risks associated with drinking hydrogen water.

Well Water

Well water is a source of clean drinking water. Most wells produce water with high levels of contaminants depending on several factors. Well water should be an option when alternative water sources are not available. It is advisable to test the water first.

Well contractors have several ways of ensuring that you get clean drinking water in your home. Right from the digging and construction of the well they guide you to all the necessary processes to ensure you get clean water.

Well water can be cleansed from impurities by filtration, distillation, and reverse osmosis. The processes are necessary to ensure that you do not consume contaminants.


The risk in well water is contamination. The water may have compounds such as lead, asbestos, and nitrates.

Contaminants pose threats to human health. Some are known to cause cancer and other health complications after a long period of exposure.

What is the Best Water to Drink?

Since there are so many options your best bet is which water offers you maximum benefits. Weigh the pros and cons of drinking each kind of water. While many people prefer purified water, spring water is often the best option.

If well-sourced and stored spring water is pure. It has all the essential minerals our bodies need. Pregnant women who need a boost in minerals should partake in spring water regularly. Undoubtedly, it is the healthiest water for everyday use.

What is the Best Water to Drink

Drinking at least two liters of spring or mineral water a day can boost your health and immune system. The water goes beyond cleansing your blood system since it gives you the healthy minerals your body needs.

Rich in calcium and manganese – spring and mineral water can compensate for the minerals our diet lacks. The calcium content in spring water is much higher than in most foods we consume.

These minerals are found in high doses in spring water: magnesium, sodium, and fluorine.

Magnesium eliminates constipation as it draws water to your intestines. It is also responsible for the formation of bones and lipid metabolism.

Sodium is an essential mineral in the body that supports cell membrane permeability. It plays an integral role in vital body fluids like blood plasma.

Fluorine in water helps prevent tooth decay.

Other minerals commonly found in spring water are iron, iodide, and potassium.

For more information to help you decide between purified and spring water, check out our discussion

What Kinds of Water Should You Not Drink?

Water from a clean source may not be available wherever you go. However, that does not mean you should take just any type of water. The main focus should be on the water source, and whether it keeps the water contaminants free.


Wastewater is a result of excess water from human activities like agriculture. Other examples include sewer water, Industrial wastewater, and even runoff rainwater. The water has contaminants at high levels that may cause health problems.

Storm water falls to the ground where it then picks up impurities and pollutants from the surface. This makes the water unsafe for human consumption.

For further discussion about how stormwater impacts freshwater ecosystems, check out our discussion.

Take Away

There are many choices and brands selling drinking water. You deserve the best. The guide above can help you learn which water will benefit your body. Spring water is likely the choice.

It is refreshing and contains beneficial minerals. It is safe for the whole family, and it carries no health risks to those drinking it. The balanced mineral elements in the water make it worth every penny.

Check out our website if you feel like you need to do more research.